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No room in the house is as densely packed with services – electricity, water, sewer – as the bathroom. This density can result in a disorganized, inefficient space. At its worst, it can present a danger for the occupants. Because of this, it pays to know your building code as it relates to bathrooms – before you remodel.
Good design rules are not code and they are not required by law. But designing wisely means having a bathroom you will enjoy using. Plus, a well-designed bathroom gives your home added resale value when it comes time to sell.
The International Residential Code is a model code that was developed by an international standards organization for one- and two-family dwellings. Most municipalities in the United States and Canada have adopted this code. Some of these jurisdictions maintain the code exactly as it was written, while others introduce changes to adapt to the needs of their constituents.
Provisions are made for clearing out plenty of space around the toilet. The purpose is to ease access not only to the toilet but to other services, such as the sink and bathing facilities.
Electricity and water do not mix. For that reason, the code has strict specifications for electrical services, such as outlets, lights, and switches.
Remarkably enough, code does not require a ventilation fan. At a minimum, a window of at least 3 square feet should be provided. This window should be able to open at least halfway.http://www.greenbuildingadvisor.com/blogs/dept/musings/bathroom-exhaust-fans
Developed in large part by the National Kitchen and Bath Association, bathroom design rules are intelligent ideas that make bathrooms more efficient and enjoyable. None of these rules are required by law. Rather, they represent common sense ideas that bathroom industry professionals have developed from years of experience.http://nkba.org
As a blanket rule, bathroom designers tend to agree that all code-required distances should be increased by 2” to 4”. In general, the more buffer room, the better.
Ventilation is a classic example of good design rules picking up where code leaves off. All bathroom designers are in agreement that bathrooms need powered ventilation fans, as the code minimum requirement for an operable window is considered archaic.
In many homes, the family bathroom is the only bathroom. It has many uses: from a quick powder room for guests, all the way to a heavily-trafficked bathing facility for several family members.
Master bathrooms are a luxury. Often they are attached to a master bedroom and contain all four services that define a full bathroom: toilet, sink, shower, and tub.
Powder rooms are where you send your guests so that your main bathroom (and your bath towels) remains unsullied (and unseen). Too tiny to contain bathing facilities, they are sometimes called half-bathrooms. Rather than the four services found in full bathrooms, powder rooms only have two – toilet and sink.
In some respects, good design for powder rooms is the opposite of that for family and master bathrooms. Storage needs are minimal, since you will not be storing bath towels or as many cleaning accessories. Storage can be reduced to just a small, covered wicker basket for extra toilet paper. Powder rooms have no need for multiple towel bars; at most, only one towel ring is needed.
Bathroom code and design rules are not limits imposed on you to kill your creativity. Instead, they are positive guidelines for approaching your bathroom remodeling project productively.
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