Susie Lemmer is a Chicago based fitness professional, with clients and followers around the world. Coach Suz is a NASM-certified personal trainer and marathon coach for Chicago Endurance Sports. A seasoned runner and former competitive equestrian, her passion for people allows her to connect with those interpersonally and on her blog, Suzlyfe. There, Susie explores health, fitness, food and lifestyle with her loyal readers. Always looking to find the humor in life’s chaos, she is dedicated to helping everyone discover that they can live beyond their expectations!
Learning what the most common workout injuries are is the first step to knowing how to prevent and r...
Tired of the same workout and short on time? Incorporate jump ropes into your cardio routine for a h...
Learn what to expect from your body after giving birth. Follow this guide to help you with your post...
Get better control over your thoughts and emotions through the practice of meditation. Learn how to ...
Kickboxing is a high-energy, empowering workout, plus it's a great way to stay in shape! Find out wh...
Learn how to choose a fitness routine that's about empowerment, not shame and guilt, with our guide ...