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In the world of fitness, there are tons of ways to get moving, sweating, and burning calories. Unfortunately, it can sometimes feel like an overwhelming task to find a workout that is not only good for the body, but for the spirit and mind as well. Yoga is a great way to shape muscles and allow the mind to relax – but can it really burn calories and increase the rate of your metabolism?
Yoga is a combination of mental, spiritual, and physical practices aimed at strengthening the union between body and mind. Some of the earliest accounts of yoga date back more than 5,000 years, with practice in the East focused on the mental and spiritual aspects. It has only recently been introduced into Western culture with an increased emphasis on the physical practice.
The term yoga, derived from the Sanskrit word for “yoking,” is associated with uniting the mind, spirit, and body into one. It is based on breath control, meditation, and specific physical postures aimed at promoting overall health and relaxation. With yoga, we begin to melt away stress, release tension, and increase bliss. While conventional exercise guidelines are helpful for day-to-day functionality, in yoga there’s often a greater connection between the body and mind. This awareness and attention to each and every movement helps yogis create lean muscle and lose excess weight.
The idea that yoga is used only as a stress reliever is a prevalent myth, but flowing from pose to pose can also boost metabolism, helping to burn more calories throughout the day. Read on to learn how to tap into yoga’s many benefits, including the ability to rev up calorie burn.
Metabolism is a biochemical process that occurs in all organisms: The body converts what we eat and drink into energy. The actual rate of metabolism depends on several factors including age, gender, and physical activity, which means we each have a unique metabolic rate. It’s important for metabolism to run quickly for the body to function optimally. Physical activity is a key factor for metabolic functioning. When the body begins to sweat, it kicks the endocrine (glandular) system in gear. This system helps regulate many organ functions in the body, including metabolism and digestion. A jumpstarted metabolism means the body will burn energy (or calories) more rapidly, facilitating weight loss.
Despite common misconceptions, yoga can be great way to increase metabolism. No matter what the activity, increasing movement can increase the metabolic rate. By improving digestion and circulation, and creating lean muscle mass, yoga is an all-encompassing way to help increase your metabolic rate.
When practicing yoga, try not to think about the picture of the pose, but instead focus on how the body feels in each position. Be sure to move slowly, and with control. Keep the muscles relaxed by releasing tension with each exhale. Practice often to increase balance, flexibility, and strength not only for your body, but also for your mind. Try to hold each pose for one breath per movement to challenge your metabolic rate. Feel stronger with each inhale and sink deeper into the position with each exhale. Explore. Relax. Release. Use your yoga practice as a moving mediation. Think of it as time for you to be in the present moment and do nothing but feel yourself, your body, and your mind.
A typical sun salutation is a great way for the body to get moving, and increase sweat, breathing, and metabolism.
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