- Fix Number:
- FIX3622968
- Manufacturer #:
- EBG61107109
- Manufactured by:
- LG
Product Description
This is an authentic LG replacement part. This is a negative temperature coefficient thermistor assembly, commonly referred to as an NTC thermistor. Basically it is a temperature sensor found inside of your air conditioner. It measures the temperature and uses resistance to report back to the circuit board. It is effective in helping your air conditioner regulate temperature because it displays large changes of resistance in proportion to small changes in temperature. If you notice the air coming out of your air conditioner is cool instead of cold, if cold air will only come from the unit intermittently, or if your air conditioner stops blowing air all together it might be time to replace your thermistor. This replacement part is sold individually.
Works with the following brands:LG
Works with the following products:Air Conditioner
Part# EBG61107109 replaces these:6323A20019C, 6323A20020G, 6323A20020J, EBG60662001, EBG60662002, EBG60662003 ... Show more , EBG60662004, EBG61106307, EBG61109809 Show less
- Works with the following brands:
- LG
- Works with the following products
- Air Conditioner
- Part# EBG61107109 replaces these:
- 6323A20019C, 6323A20020G, 6323A20020J, EBG60662001, EBG60662002, EBG60662003, EBG60662004, EBG61106307, EBG61109809
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Manufacturer Part Number: EBG61107109
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